تصاویر چهره های ماندگار

شخصیت های فرهیخته و خیراندیش یهودیان ایرانی که با حفظ ارزش های انسانی و نیز فداکاری در احیاء و بهینه ساختن جامعه ای نوین و والا نقش بسزائی از خود بجای گذاشته اند روحشان شاد و یادشان گرامی باد.

Lasting Figures

Here’s a selection of the erudite Iranian Jewish philanthropists, who left their glaring marks on the pages of history. They held up human values, and they sacrificed so much of themselves to revive and advance the society toward modernity and excellence. May they rest in peace, and may their memories last forever.

The deceased Morteza Sanae The servant of the nation died on 9/11/1345
The deceased Afar
The deceased Afar
The deceased Ibrahim Moreh
The deceased Ibrahim Moreh Servant of society with sincerity - died on 8 Hashvan 5742
Abdullah Taleh Hamdani
The deceased Abdullah Talah Hamdani Jewish national poet - died on 14 Hashvan 5764
The deceased َAziz  Asher Jew
The deceased َAziz Asher Jew Photographer and constitutional revolution fighter
The deceased Sion Ariel
The deceased Sion Ariel
Dr. Musa Beral
Dr. Musa Beral Member of National Council - Birth and Death 1990-1290
The deceased  Morad Arieh
The deceased Morad Arieh Representative of the National Assembly - Birth and Death 1911-1990
The deceased  Haji Rahim Benayel
The deceased Haji Rahim Benayel
The deceasedYusuf Banyan
The deceasedYusuf Banyan Architect of Beheshtiyeh and old people's home, died on January 3, 1344
Master Aziz Memar Benayan
The late master Aziz Memar Benayan The architect of Dr. Sepir Azar hospital building 1364
Master Agha Jan Baksh
The deceased Master Agha Jan Bakshi Member of Bat Din Association
El-Azar bin Dawood
The late El-Azar bin Dawood
The deceased Suleiman Haim
The deceased Suleiman Haim Author of Persian, Hebrew, French, English dictionaries - died 8 Adar 5730
The late Seyyed Abdullah Behbahan
The late Seyyed Abdullah Behbahani Representative of the first term of the National Council, 7/16/1285
The late Farajullah Barkhordar
The late Farajullah Barkhordar He died on 18 Shawat 5739 on 26 Bahman 57
Bibi Yum Tub
The deceased Bibi Yum Tub
Musa Barohim
The late Musa Barohim Servant - 4 Shawat 5764
The late Eliyahu Barokhim
The late Eliyahu Barokhim 4 Shawat 5764
Monsieur Brasseu
The late Monsieur Brasseur Secretary of Tehran's Etihad Schools
Youssef Derakhshan
Youssef Derakhshan

The head of Malahnina Synagogue - died on 7 Tebat 5755

Eliyahu Davoodzadeh
Eliyahu Davoodzadeh Foot 29 Sivan 5738
Dawood Shadi
Dawood Shadi died on 26 Shawat 5732
Engineer Aziz Danesh Rad
Engineer Aziz Danesh Rad Representative of the Kalimian community in the first term of the Assembly of Constitutional Law Experts and President of the Kalimian Association - died on 19 Tebat 1371
Yusuf Kohan
Yusuf Kohan Representative of the last term of the National Council - Foot 7 AV 5741
Dr. Aghajan Hakim - Moqtadar
Dr. Aghajan Hakim - Moqtadar Jewish representative in the 1304 Constituent Assembly
Habibullah Levi
Habibullah Levi The author of the book History of the Jews of Iran - died on 12 Ayar 5750
Nurullah Farzan Kashani
Nurullah Farzan Kashani
Haj Ebrahim Ishaqpour
Haj Ebrahim Ishaqpour
Haji Israel Jeremiah
Haji Israel Jeremiah
Musa Eliasian
Musa Eliasian The founder of Iran's modern Jewish culture - died on 30 Tishri 5728
Musa Manzarolah
Musa Manzarolah Moshe Haim - died in Mehr 1361
Abdullah Golshan
Abdullah Golshan
Meir ghooliyan
Meir ghooliyan
Janet Kohan Sedek
Janet Kohan Sedek diad on 10 Sivan 5732
Pinhas Ezra
Pinhas Ezra Died on 10 Mehr 1343
Moussa Hafez ravanshenas
Moussa Hafez ravanshenas Member of the Kalimian and Bet Din Association - died in August 1359
Rabbi Haim Moreh
Rabbi Haim Moreh ِDied onِ 17 Ayar 5702
Rabbi Haim Moreh
Rabbi Hayim More Died on 17 Ayar 5702
Habib El-Ghanaian
Habib El-Ghanaian President of Tehran Kilimian Association
Haji Mollah Ahron
Haji Mollah Ahron from 1231 to 1315
Haji Baba Amirian
Haji Baba Amirian
Mr. Shmuel Haim
Mr. Shmuel Haim Representative of the fifth term of the National Assembly - died on 4 Tebat 5602
Enayat Haqiqa
Enayat Haqiqat He died on 7/10/76
Harab Harashi Azizaleh Naeem
Harab Harashi Azizaleh Naeem Member of Bet Din and Kalimian Association - died on 23 Heshvan 5705
Cyrus Hakimian
Cyrus Hakimian Testimony 1360
Hakimi Founder of Hakim Synagogue - Pesian
Ishaq Mukhtar Hakim
Ishaq Mukhtar Hakim
Ibrahim Kashani
Ibrahim Kashani Servant of Khairkhah Center - died 1365
Abdullah Yom Tob
Abdullah Yom Tob
Atalayyah Yom Toob
AtalayyahYom Toob
Yusuf Yasharal
Yusuf Yasharal
Shmuel khodadady
Shmuel khodadady Died 5760
khanumi Abdullah
khanumi Abdullah
Musa Kermanian
Musa Kermanian
Jamshid Kashfi
Jamshid Kashfi Representative of the 21st term of the National Assembly - died on March 18, 1366
Habib Elah Kohan
Habib Elah Kohan the founder of the old church and New Unity Primary School - Died 2 Sivan 5724
Shalmo Kohn Sedek - Soltan Suleiman
Shalmo Kohn Sedek - Soltan Suleiman The publisher of the calendar - the head of the Utsaratura Cultural Association - died on August 27, 2015
Shmuel Khorsandi
Shmuel Khorsandi
Abdullah Khan Khormian
Abdullah Khan Khormian
Madame Kohanka
Madame Kohanka Board of Etihad Schools - Alliance
Musa Luyan - Nouraleh Ya
Musa Luyan - Nouraleh Yan Founder of Levian Synagogue - Deserved
Dawood Abdulzadeh
Dawood Abdulzadeh Founder of Abdullah Zadeh Synagogue
Haj Harun Lalezari
Haj Harun Lalezari Died 1371
Haim Mashih
Haim Mashih Foot 1320
uncle Yaqub Masaband
uncle Yaqub Masaband Member of Bet Din and Board of Directors of Kalimian Association - died on 29 Tebat 5712
Madame Vaideh
Madame Vaideh Principal of Etihad School
Madame Louise
Madame Louise Board of Etihad School
Golin seneii.
Golin seneii. Servant of the youth home
Nosrat Mikael
Nosrat Mikael Wife of Luqman Mikael - died on 7 Tishri 5767
Laqman Mikael
Laqman Mikael Member of the Jewish Association and the head of the Beheshtiyeh Committee - Fut 15 Kislu 5747
Mahdi Mellamed
Mahdi Mellamed
Mollah Shalom
Mollah Shalom
Abraham Maroof
Abraham Maroof The founder of Beheshtiye Street, Mazandaran
Mohtaram Qadishah
Mohtaram Qadishah Founder of women's organization
Haji Ayub Mizrahi
Haji Ayub Mizrahi
Fariborz Morim
Fariborz Morim Testimony 1360
Mirza Khodadad Montakhab
Mirza Khodadad Montakhab
Mollah Hayim Ishaq Lalezari
Mollah Hayim Ishaq Lalezari
Mollah Yaqoob
Mollah Yaqoob son of Babaee -writer and teacher
Hamid Nahavandi
Hamid Nahavandi Martyred on February 22, 1357
Habib Allah Naghi
Habib Allah Naghi Lawyer - died on 27 Sivan 5744
Haji Morad Musa
Haji Morad Musa
Morteza Khan Neyaud
Morteza Khan Neyaud He died on August 9, 5751
Agha Babaei Ney Dawood
Agha Babaei Ney Dawood
Dr. Luqman Nehuraei
Dr. Luqman Nehuraei Representative of the 11th term of the National Assembly
Abdullah Aminzade Nasi
Abdullah Aminzade Nasi The author of the book Sobh Omid - History of Religions - died on AV 19, 5742
Cement tube - Musa Khan Pastor
Cement tube - Musa Khan Pastor supporter of Jewish schools
Khanbaba ben Yusuf Ohb
Khanbaba ben Yusuf Ohb Died on AV12, 5755
Nissan Lahijani
Nissan Lahijani
Dr. Manouchehr Nikrouz
Dr. Manouchehr Nikrouz Representative of the Islamic Council of the second and third periods - Fut 1 Adar 5755
Ishaq Roshandel
Ishaq Roshandel Religious teacher - author of the Shel Pesach Haggadah
Rav Levy
Rav Levy Founder of Otsar Haturah Tehran
Rav Menahem Levi
Rav Menahem Levi
Rav Mordechai Aghaler
Rav Mordechai Aghaler
Sipora berasor
Sipora berasor Principal of Etihad School
Dr. Ruholah Sapir
Dr. Ruholah Sapir The founder of Dr. Sepir Hospital in Kanon Khairkhah - 1 Ayar 5703
Faraj Allah Salim
Faraj Allah Salim
Saleh Musa Hasqeel Hayim
Saleh Musa Hasqeel Hayim He died on the 16th of Tabat 5723
Shokrollah Sene
Shokrollah Sene Member of the Jewish Association
Shemuel Aghel
Shemuel Aghel Servant of the nation, date of birth: 10/6/1313, date of death: 15/10/1375
Haj Ishaq Sassoon
Haj Ishaq Sassoon
Ishaq Tizabi
Ishaq Tizabi Testimony 1361
Shaban Zharfi
Shaban Zharfi Died on July 11, 5736
Shaban Shahri
Shaban Shahri Poet - died 5 Shawat 5752
Dr. Morteza Moalem
Dr. Morteza Moalem Doctor and lexicographer (linguist) 1270-1359 (1980 AD)
Eliyahu Manshi Eide Far - Bakhaj Arab
Eliyahu Manshi Eide Far - Bakhaj Arab
Najatollah Yadegar
Najatollah Yadegar
Victorviktoreia_lahejania lahejan
Victoria Lahijan Donor of Bozormehr building
Mirza Rahim Torbati
Mirza Rahim Torbati
Noorollah  Zar
Noorollah Zar
Haji Yeshua Yadgar Yehzqal
Haji Yeshua Yadgar Yehzqal Foot 22 Ayar 5711
Rabbi Yedidia Shofet
Rabbi Yedidia Shofet died 17 Sivan 5765
Khalil Nahai
Khalil Nahai Community charity, died October 1995
Jahangir Banyan
Jahangir Banyan Servant of the nation 1386-1293
Dr. Ibrahim Baral
Dr. Ibrahim Baral Servant of the Nation 1306-1386
Rahim zoleikhaeian
Rahim zoleikhaeian A member of a cult
Shahram Zarini
Shahram Zarini Testimony 1365
Mehdi Hariri Tolo
Mehdi Hariri Tolo Servant of society, died on 12 Hashvan 5769 (1387), born in 1306
Rabbi Musa Zargari
Rabbi Musa Zargari The teacher of Otsar Hetura schools 1302-1385
Elias Ishakian
Elias Ishakian Secretary and director of Etihad schools 1309-1387
Rabbi Netan Eli
Rabbi Netan Eli Secretary of Otsar Hetura schools 1383-1294
Yaqoob Yaqoob Zadegan
Yaqoob Yaqoob Zadegan Founder of Koresh Charity Headquarters, August 3, 1388---Av 4, 5769 - Shahrivar 1310
Gad naeim
Gad naeim In charge of the nursing home from 1314 to 1388
Azizeh Beral
Azizeh Beral Head of Hatef Women's Organization from 1300 to 1388
Massoud Haroonian
Massoud Haroonian Servant of the nation from 1300 to 1386
Mollah Yusuf Dilman
Mollah Yusuf Dilmani Teacher of Hebrew language and religious education from 1280 to 1364 Died on the 6th of Sivan 5746
Yaqub Delmaian
Yaqub Dilmanian servant of the nation From 1285 to 1367
Agha jan Abrishami
َAgha jan Abrishami The founder of the silk school and synagogue from 1280 to 1367 - died on the 20th of Av 5748, Hebrew
Rabbi Uriel Davidi
Rabbi Uriel Davidi (1302-1384) Jewish religious leadership in the 1370s
Saleh Niko
Saleh Niko 1296 to 1373 community servant
Dr. Habibullah Sadaqatpour
Dr. Habibullah Sadaqatpour Servant of the Nation 1389 to 1312
Soleiman Seane
Soleiman Sene The founder of the Keshvarieh bath
Dr. Sofer Forozan
Dr. Sofer Forozan Chairman of the Board of Directors of Khairkhah Center in Dr. Sepir Hospital 2018
Abdullah Zargarian
Abdullah Zargarian Founder of Zargarian Synagogue 1380-1291
Moluk (Ashighiyan) Zargarian
Moluk (Ashighiyan) Zargarian Translator of religious books from 1299 to 1384
Ishaq Farhamand
Ishaq Farhamand The first elected representative of the Jews in the Islamic Council from 1312 to 1389
Eliyahu Pir Nazar
Eliyahu Pir Nazar First grade lawyer and official translator of the Ministry of Justice 1277 to 1367
Dr. Farajullah Golban
Dr. Farajullah Golban 1291-1390 servant of the nation
Farangis Hasidim
Farangis Hasidim Director of Sepir Hospital, 1st of April 2019
Manouchehr Tabar
Manouchehr Tabari Cinematographer and director 1320-1389
Yusuf Jada
Youssef Geola
Youssef Geola Master Yusuf Kafash - Servant of the Nation 1869-1976
Malihe Toubi (Hay)
Malihe Toubi (Hay) Good lady Died on Adar 10, 5765, on 19-02-2005
Salim Karandian
Salim Karandian Died on August 1, 2011 Founder of Bagh Saba Synagogue
Dr. Rahim Kohan
Dr. Rahim Kohan Educated and serving society died on 25th of August 5771 equivalent to 25th of August
Yedidia Dardashti
Yedidia Dardashti Servant of the Nation 1928-2000
Professor Shmuel Rahbar
Professor Shmuel Rahbar Scientist and researcher of laboratory sciences, discoverer of hemoglobin
Dr. Yusuf Pirizian
Dr. Yusuf Pirizian The lawyer, the first head of the charitable center Publisher of Menorah magazine 1912--1991
Yona Dardashti
Yona Dardashti An artist and one of the connoisseurs of Iranian music 1909-1993
Malihe (Sapir) Kashfi
Malihe (Sapir) Kashfi 1297 --- 1384 Founder of Iranian Jewish Women's Organization
Shamsi Moradpour Hekmat
Shamsi Moradpour Hekmat 1297----1376 Founder of Iranian Jewish Women's Organization
Ishaq Kohan Sedek
Ishaq Kohan Sedek The thinker and publisher of the four calendar (Hebrew Shams Lunar Milad) of the servant of the nation
Professor Amnon Netsar
Professor Amnon Netsar Historian researcher and author of Padiwand (Iranian Jewish research paper) 1934-2008
Ibrahim Khalil setareshenas
Ibrahim Khalil setareshenas Servant of the Nation - December 27, 2018 according to 19 Tut 5779 Hebrew
Mahin Amid
Mahin Amid Writer and poet 1927-2016
Manouchehr Omidvar
Manouchehr Omidvar Journalist and scholar 1925 - July 2013
Farhad Tarashandegan
Farhad Tarashandegan Coach of the youth committee 1942 - 2013
Aghajan Shad
Aghajan Shadi 9th Heshvan 5775 according to November 11, 2013 at the age of 97
Rabbi Yusuf Hamdani Kohan
Rabbi Yusuf Hamdani Kohan Yehovayan Religious Authority of Iran 1304- Foot 27 Adar Shani 5774
Dr. Mansoor Sharim
Dr. Mansoor Sharim Doctor and member of the board of directors of Khairkhah Center 1307-1392
Malek (moiayem) sttareshenas
Malek (moiayem) sttareshenas Good lady 1311 - 1392, death date 13 Shawat 5774
Iraj Lalezari
Iraj Lalezari Professor Iraj Lalezari 1930-2019 Medical scientist and researcher
Lotfollah Hay
Lotfollah Hay Member of Parliament - died in October 2018 according to October 2017 at the age of 101
Ishaq Parviz Nazarian
Ishaq Parviz Nazarian Date of death: 1st of Ilul 5777 equivalent to 1308-1396
Yunes Nazarian
Yunes Nazarian Successful and benevolent businessman 1931-2022
Catherine (Golbahar) Meraj
Catherine (Golbahar) Meraj Social activist and philanthropist 1924 - died April 2024
Mansoor Pouritadh
Mansoor Pouritadh Kind and educated 1929 - died 2023
Engineer Manouchehr Cohen
Engineer Manouchehr Cohen Educated and culturally active 1944 - died 2022
Mansoor Wafa Mansouri
Mansoor Wafa Mansouri Social activist and philanthropist 1931 - Died June 2021
Heshmatullah Kermanshahchi
Heshmatullah Kermanshahchi Social activist and founder of the National Fund 1929 - Died January 2024