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Special Letters
Specials are digital magazines that have been prepared and published on various occasions by 7dorim.com.
Historical Documents PDF
This section is dedicated to documents related to the history, culture, and literature of Iranian Jews.
Many of them have been translated into modern language.
This section is dedicated to historians and sacrifices and innovations of benevolent Jewish personalities who,by interrupting their lives, have been able to record their names as servants of society in the history of the Jews of Iran.
Original Dialects
This section, about dialect or speaking, is the most effective means of human communication with their environment. In other words, each nation begins to speak with a specific language or dialect influenced by its environment..
Read the various articles on the website.
Digital Dictionaries and Lexicons
Haim’s 180,000-word Persian-to-Hebrew Dictionary, Haim’s 40,000-word Hebrew-to-Persian Dictionary, and also several PDF books for the Shirazi Lexicon, Kashani Lexicon, Hamedan Lexicon, Isfahan Jews Lexicon, Mashhad Jews Lexicon, Kashani Lexicon, Tehran Jews Lexicon (Sarchali), as well as the Persian-to-Hebrew Dictionary (PDF)
Persian-to-Hebrew Lexicon (PDF)
448-page PDF
Persian-to-Hebrew Lexicon
Author: Ya’qub Hakimi
Publication Date: 2006